Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) EIGHTH SEMESTER SYLLABUS

Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal (MP)
B.E. (EC) Electronics and Communication Engineering Revised
Syllabus and Scheme of Examination Effective from July 2010



EC- 8103 Principles of Management & Managerial Economics

EC- 8103 Principles of Management & Managerial Economics

Unit I
Management Concept: Management, Administration and Organization Difference and Relationship between Organization Management
and Administration. Importance of Management, Characteristics of Management.

Unit II
Management: Scientific Management, Principles of Management, Process of Management, Functions of Management, Levels of
Management, Project Management.

Unit III
Decision Making: Introduction and Definition, Types of Decisions, Techniques of Decision Making, Decision making under certainty
Decision making under uncertainty, Decision Making under risk.

Unit IV
Managerial Economics: Introduction, Factors Influencing Manager, Micro and Macro-economics, Theory of the Cost, Theory of the
Firm, Theory of Production Function.

Unit V
Productivity: Input-Output Analysis, Micro-economics Applied to Plants and Industrial Undertakings, Production and Production system,
Productivity, Factors affecting Productivity, Increasing Productivity of Resources.

1. Peter Drucker, Harper and Row: The Practice of Management.
2. Koontz: Essentials of Management, PHI Learning.
3. Staner: Management, PHI Learning.
4. Daft: Principles of Management, Cengage Learning.
5. T. N. Chhabra: Principle and Practice of Management, Dhanpat Rai, New Delhi.
6. Hirschey: Managerial Economics, Cengage Learning.
7. T. R. Banga and S.C. Sharma: Industrial Organisation and Engineering Economics, Khanna Publishers.
8. O.P. Khanna: Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai.
9. Joel Dean: Managerial Economics, PHI learning.
10. V. L. Mote, Samuel Paul and G.S. Gupta: Managerial Economics Concepts & Cases, TMH, New Delhi.

EC-8102 Microwave Circuits

EC-8102 Microwave Circuits

Unit I
Transmission lines: Impedance matching and transformation
Plane Electromagnetic waves, Transmission Lines: Line Equations and analysis, Smith Chart, Impedance Matching and transformation
single stub, double stub matching ,triple –stub tuner, impedance mismatch factor, quarter wave transformer, theory of small reflections,
binomial and Chebyshev transformer, tapered transmission lines, triangular, exponential and Klopfenstein taper.

Unit II
Field analysis of transmission lines:
Analysis of general transmission line and terminated transmission line circuits, Planar Transmission lines, Microstrip lines.
Strip lines: Characteristic Impedance, conductor losses, Dielectric losses, Radiation Losses, Higher order modes and dispersion,
Microstrip attenuation ,high frequency properties , suspended and inverted microstrip lines, coplanar lines, slot lines, Fin-lines, Coupled
Lines. Substrates for microwave printed circuits

Unit III
Microwave (solid state) Amplifiers:
BJT and FET, Power gains: definitions, Stability: stability circles, tests for unconditional stability, Constant Power Gain Circles,
Constant Mismatch Circles, Single stage and multi stage transistor Amplifier design, Broadband transistor Amplifier Design, Power
amplifiers. Basic Noise theory, Low noise amplifier designs, Microwave amplifier designs using Sij parameters.

Unit IV
Microwave oscillators and mixers:
RF oscillators, Microwave oscillators, Oscillators Phase Noise, Frequency Multipliers, Gunn oscillators and circuits, Transistor
oscillators, Oscillator circuits and design.
Mixers: Mixer characteristics, linear and non-linear mixer operation, Mixer noise figure, Balanced mixers, Single ended diode mixer,
single ended FET mixer, image reject mixers, other mixers, Mixer analysis using Harmonic Balancing.

Unit V
Microwave Filters:
Periodic structures: analysis, Filter design : image parameter and insertion loss method. specification of power loss ratio,
Filter transformations, Filter Implementations, Stepped-Impedance low –pass filters, coupled line filters, Filters using coupled
resonators, Impedance and Admittance inverters, micro strip half-wave filter, Quarter –wave coupled cavity filters, direct –coupled
cavity filters, Low-Pass filter designs, Frequency transformations and expansions, Narrowband and wideband microwave filters.

1. R. E. Collin: Foundations for Microwave Engineering, 2nd Edition, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
2. D. M. Pozar: Microwave Engineering, 3rd Edition, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
3. P. A. Rizzi: Microwave Engineering- Passive Circuits.

EC-8101 Advanced Data Networks

EC-8101 Advanced Data Networks
Principles of Wireless Networks
Network Planning: Introduction, wireless network topologies, cellular topology.
Wireless network operation: introduction, mobility management, radio resources and power management, security in wireless networks

Mobile Data Networks
Introduction, the data-oriented CDPD network, GPRS and higher data rates, short messaging services in GSM, mobile application
Wireless LANs (WLAN)
Introduction, historical overview of the LAN industry, evolution of the WLAN industry, new interest from military and service providers, a
new explosion of market and technology, wireless home networking.

IEEE 802.11 WLANs
Introduction, what is IEEE 802.11? The PHY layer, MAC sublayer, MAC management sublayer.
Wireless Geolocation Systems
Introduction, what is Wireless Geolocation? Wireless geolocation system architecture, technologies for wireless geolocation,
geolocation standards for E-911 services, performance measures for geolocation systems.

Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN)
Introduction, what is IEEE 802.15 WPAN? What is HomeRF? What is Bluetooth? Interference between Bluetooth and 802.11.
Satellite Networks
Satellite navigation and global positioning system: Introduction, radio and satellite navigation, GPS position location principles, GPS
time, GPS receivers and codes, the C/A code, Satellite signal acquisition, GPS signal levels, timing accuracy, GPS receiver operation,
GPS C/A code accuracy, differential GPS.

Optical Networks
Network Concepts: terminology, categories, layers. Network topologies: performance of passive linear buses, performance of star
architectures. SONET/SDH : transmission formats and speeds, optical interfaces, SONET/SDH rings, SONET/SDH networks.
High speed light-wave links: links operating at 10, 40 and 160 Gbps. Optical add/drop multiplexing (OADM): OADM configurations,
reconfigurable OADM.
Optical switching: optical cross-connect, wavelength conversion, wavelength routing, optical packet switching, optical burst switching.
WDM network examples: wideband long-haul WDM networks, narrowband metro WDM networks, passive optical network.
Mitigation of transmission impairments: chromatic dispersion compensating fiber, bragg grating dispersion compensators, polarizationmode
dispersion compensation, optical amplifier gain transients.

1. K. Pahlavan and P. Krishnamurthy: Principles of Wireless Networks, PHI Learning.
2. G. Keiser: Optical Fiber Communications, 4th Edition, TMH New Delhi.
3. T. Pratt, C. Bostian and J. Allnut: Satellite Communications, 2nd Edition, Wiley Indian Pvt. Ltd.
4. Upena Dalal: Wireless Communications, Oxford University Press.

EC-803 Nanoelectronics

EC-803 Nanoelectronics
The ‘Top down’ and ‘Bottom up’ approach, Why Nanoelectronics?, Nanotechnology potential.
Band structure and density of states at Nanoscale: energy bands, density of states at low dimensional structure.
Electrical transport in Nanostructure: Electrical conduction in metals, insulator/ionic crystals and semiconductors. Conduction
mechanism in bulk, thin film and low dimensional system. Introductory quantum mechanics for Nanoscience: size effect in smaller
systems, quantum behavior of nanometric world.

Tunnel junction and application of tunneling: Tunneling through a potential barrier, potential energy profiles of material interfaces,
applications of tunneling.
Quantum wells, wires and dots: Semiconductor hetrostructure and quantum wells, quantum dots and nanoparticles.

Single electron transistor: Coulomb Blockade, single electron transistor, other SET and FET structures.

Ballastic and spin transport: Classical and semi-classical transport, ballistic transport, carbon nanotubes and nanowires, transport of
spin and spintronics.
The era of new Nanostructures of carbon: Buck minsterfullerence, Nanodiomond, BN Nanotubes, Molecular Machine,

Unit V
Fabrication technology: Top-down vs bottom-up technology.
Lithographic process: Lithography, Nanolithography, split gate technology, self assembly, limitation of lithographic process.
Non-lithographic techniques: Plasma arc discharge, sputtering, evaporation, chemical vapour deposition, pulsed laser deposition,
molecular beam epitaxy, sol-gel technique, electrodeposition and other process.

1. G. W. Hanson: Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics, Pearson Education.
2. K. K. Chattopadhyay and A. N. Banerjee: Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, PHI Learning.
3. Vlaadiniz U. Mitin: Introduction to Nanoelectronics, Cambridge University Press.
4. M. Dragman and D. Dragman: Nanoelectronics- Principles and devices, Artech House.
5. Karl Goser: Nanoelectronics and Nanosystems, Springer.
6. Daniel Minoli: Nanotechnology application to telecommunication and networking, Wiley Interscience.
7. John H. Davis: Physics of low dimension semiconductor, Cambridge Press.
8. Carl C. Cosh: Nanostructure materials processing property and applications, Noyes Publications.

EC-802 CMOS Circuit Design

EC-802 CMOS Circuit Design
Unit I
Single-Stage Amplifier: Basic Concepts, Common Source Stage, Source Follower, Common-Gate Stage, Cascode Stage.
Frequency Response of Amplifiers: General Consideration, Common-Source Stage, Source Followers, Common-Gate Stage,
Cascode Stage, Differential Pair.

Unit II
Differential Amplifier: Single-Ended and Differential Operation, Basic Differential Pair, Common-Mode Response, Differential Pair with
MOS Loads, Gilbert Cell.
Feedback Amplifier: General Consideration, Feedback Topologies, Effect of Loading, Effect of Feedback on Noise.
Switched-Capacitor Circuits: General Consideration, Sampling Switches, Switched-Capacitor Amplifier, Switched-Capacitor
Integrator, Switched-Capacitor Common-Mode Feedback.

Unit III
Oscillator: General Consideration, Ring Oscillator, Voltage Controlled Oscillator, Mathematical Model of VCOs.
Phase-Locked Loops: Simple PLL, Charge-Pump PLLs, Nonideal Effects in PLLs, Delayed-Locked Loops.

Unit IV
Sequential Circuit Design: Introduction, Sequencing Static Circuit, Circuit Design of Latches and Flip-Flops, Static Sequencing
Element Methodology.
Array Subsystem: Introduction, SRAM, DRAM, Read-Only Memory, Serial Access Memories, Content-Addressable Memory,
Programmable Logic Arrays.

Unit V
Datapath Subsystems: Introduction, Addition/Subtraction, One/Zero Detector, Comparators, Counters, Boolean Logic Operation,
Coding, Shifters, Multiplication, Division, Parallel-Prefix Computations

1. B. Razavi: Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, TMH Publication.
2. Weste, Harris and Banerjee: CMOS VLSI Design, Pearson Education
3. J. M. Rabaey, Digital Integrated Circuits, PHI Learning.
4. R. Jacob Baker: CMOS-Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation, Wiley.
5. A. A. Raj and T. Latha: VLSI Design, PHI Learning.

List of Experiments:
Practicals should be performed using any Electronic Design Automation (EDA) - eg. Microwind / Cadence / Sylvaco / Tanner silicon
HiPer / Xilinx ISE 9i or any similar software.
1. Design and simulation of: (a) Common source amplifier (b) Source follower amplifier
(c) Common gate amplifier (d) Cascode amplifier.
2. Estimation of frequency response of: (a) Common source amplifier (b) Source follower amplifier.
(c ) Common gate amplifier (d) Cascode amplifier.
3. Design and simulation of differential amplifier.
4. Design and simulation of feedback amplifier.
5. Design and simulation of oscillators: (a) Ring Oscillator (b) L-C Oscillator (c) Voltage controlled Oscillator.
6. Design and simulation of: (a) Adder (b) Subtractor (c) One/zero detector (d) Comparator
(e) Counter (f) Multiplier (g) Divider.

EC-801 Advanced Communication Systems

EC-801 Advanced Communication Systems

Channel coding: Introduction, Block codes, Convolutional codes, Trellis-coded modulation, Turbo-codes, Low density parity check
codes, coding for the fading channels.
Speech coding: Introduction, the sound of speech, stochastic models for speech, quantization and coding, from speech transmission
to acoustic telepresence.

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)
Introduction, principle of OFDM, implementation of transceivers, frequency-selective channels, channel estimation, peak ro average
power ratio, intercarrier interference, adaptive modulation and capacity, multiple access, multicarrier code division multiple access,
single carrier modulation with frequency-domain equalization.
Multiantenna system: smart antennas, multiple input multiple output systems.

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)
Historical overview, system overview, the air interface, logical and physical channels, synchronization, coding, equalizer, circuitswitched
data transmission, establishing a connection and handover, services and billing.
Interim Standard 95 (IS-95) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA 2000)
Historical overview, system overview, the air interface, coding, spreading and modulation, logical and physical channels, handover.

Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA)
Historical overview, system overview, the air interface, logical and physical channels, speech coding, multiplexing and channel coding,
spreading and modulation, physical-layer procedures.
Statistics of Cellular systems
Time delay spread, Noise figure, power limited and bandwidth-limited system, mobile and portable coverage, Ray-tracking and buildingblock
approach, coding scheme and variable burst-error intervals, antenna down-tilt, lnter-modulation, mobile location, angle spread
with antenna height and its application.

Unit V
New Concepts
Channel capacity in a Rayleigh fading environment, real-time running average, link capacities versus call drops between GSM and
CDMA, data transmission via cellular systems, multiuser detection for CDMA, spectrum and technology of a WLL system, wavelet

1. A. F. Molisch: Wireless Communications, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
2. W. C. Y. Lee: Mobile Communications Engineering- theory and practices, TMH.
3. Upena Dalal: Wireless Communications, Oxford University Press.
4. Kamilo Feher: Wireless Digital Communications, PHI Learning.
5. Mullet: Introduction to Wireless Telecommunication Systems and Networks: Cengage Learning.

List of Experiments:
Practical should be performed using Scilab/ Matlab simulation software based on the above contents some may be as follows:
1. Simulation of block codes, convolutional codes, parity check codes etc.
2. Simulation of transreceiver in OFDM and plotting of BER vs SNR graphs for coded and uncoded OFDM .
3. Simulation of transmission through a rayleigh fading channel.
Other practical may include study of:
1. Coding, multiplexing, interleaving, spreading, modulation and demodulation in uplink and downlink for GSM and CDMA.
2. Data transmission via cellular systems.
3. Smart antennas and MIMO systems.

Angel - 2011

 Angel - 2011

Phir Teri  Sonu Nigam
Media Player-128 Kbps
Rubaru (Kyun Faaslein Hai) Shweta Pandit
Media Player-128 Kbps
Aye Khuda  Sonu Nigam
Media Player-128 Kbps
Angel  Shweta Pandit
Media Player-128 Kbps
Tell Me Why  Neeraj Sridhar
Media Player-128 Kbps
Titliyon Ki Phoor  Shweta Pandit
Media Player-128 Kbps
Aye Khuda  Sukhwinder Singh
Media Player-128 Kbps

All in One - Download Link

Angel - 128Kbps [Songs.PK]Zip File128 Kbps42.1 Mb
Angel - 320Kbps [Songs.PK]Zip File320 Kbps66.1 Mb

Yeh Saali Zindagi - 2011

Yeh Saali Zindagi - 2011

Yeh Saali Zindagi (Duet)  Kunal Ganjanwala, Sunidhi, Shilpa Rao
Media Player-128 Kbps
Sararara  Sukhwinder Singh
Media Player-128 Kbps
Dil Dar-Ba-Dar  Javed Ali & Shilpa Rao
Media Player-128 Kbps
Ishq Tere Jalwe  Javed Ali & Shilpa Rao
Media Player-128 Kbps
Kaise Kahein Alvida   Javed Ali
Media Player-128 Kbps
Yeh Saali Zindagi (Bonus Song)  Abhishek Ray
Media Player-128 Kbps
Sararara (Zindagi Nikal Chali Sararara) Javed Ali
Media Player-128 Kbps
Yeh Saali Zindagi (Female)  Sunishi Chauhan & Shilpa Rao
Media Player-128 Kbps

All in One - Download Link

7 Khoon Maaf - 2011

 7 Khoon Maaf - 2011

Darling  Usha Uthup, Rekha Bhardwaj
Media Player-128 Kbps
Berkaraan  Vishal Bharadwaj
Media Player-128 Kbps
O'Mama  K.K, Clinton Cerejo
Media Player-128 Kbps
Awaara  Master Saleem
Media Player-128 Kbps
Tere Liye  Suresh Wadkar
Media Player-128 Kbps
Dil Dil Hai  Suraj Jagan
Media Player-128 Kbps
Yeshu  Rekha Bhardwaj
Media Player-128 Kbps
Doosri Darling  Usha Uthup, Rekha, Clinton Cerejo, Francois
Media Player-128 Kbps
O'Mama (Acoustic) K.K
Media Player-128 Kbps

7 Khoon Maaf - 128Kbps [Songs.PK]Zip File128 Kbps46.6 Mb
7 Khoon Maaf - 320Kbps [Songs.PK]Zip File320 Kbps72.3 Mb

Tanu Weds Manu - 2011

Tanu Weds Manu - 2011

Sadi Gali  Lehmber Hussainpuri
Media Player-128 Kbps
Yun Hi  Mohit Chauhan (backing vocals: Ujjaini)
Media Player-128 Kbps
Piya  Roop Kumar Rathod
Media Player-128 Kbps
Rangrez (Wadali Bros)  Puranchand Wadali & Pyare Lal Wadali
Media Player-128 Kbps
Mannu Bhaiya  Sunidhi Chauhan, Niladri Debnath, Ujjaini
Media Player-128 Kbps
Jugni Mika
Media Player-128 Kbps
Rangrez Krsna
Media Player-128 Kbps

All in One - Download Link

Zip File
128 Kbps
45.1 Mb
Zip File
320 Kbps
68.1 Mb




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